Real Estate Marketing on Youtube

Haven’t added YouTube into your Real Estate marketing plan yet? Then you are missing out on some serious chances at gaining traction for your building.

Why Youtube Marketing

Here at Hey Now! Media, we’ve been having great success with YouTube marketing. Why you may ask? Because it drives top of funnel awareness.

This means that you are marketing to a wide number of people to broaden your customer base and attract people who may not even know they are interested in your product. The trick is, when we begin a YouTube campaign for a client we use very specific targeting to be sure we reach the market we are looking for. This could mean a lot of things — location, the genre of video being watched, gender, etc. The best part? It’s relatively cheap!

YouTube Marketing Example

Now let’s look at an example of a YouTube marketing campaign we’ve run for our client, The Heights at Slippery Rock. An off-campus student living apartment complex located in Slippery Rock, PA.:

Real Sample Results – July 2020





Impressions – 39,506

Engagements – 302

Website Visits – 85

CPC – $0.60

Cost – $100

Youtube Marketing Result

Here you can see, we are getting clicks to our website, 85 to be exact — which is a great number. But this isn’t the only number you should be excited about. After checking the impressions you’ll see almost 40 thousand people saw this ad! This means that 40 thousand people have now seen your brand and know about your property. This is exactly how you begin to build brand awareness in your community.

Not only that, once you get this many impressions — you’ll also see your google search numbers gain more traction. This is because people in the area are beginning to search for your business.

13 Touches Rule

Warm leads often drop out of the sales funnel because they have not received enough touches (or information brought to their attention) about your product. This is why you constantly need to be marketing a potential sale up to 13 TIMES in order for a customer to convert!

This is the beauty of the marketing world we live in. Knowing that 40,000 people or more saw your ad can be overwhelming. But thanks to the analytics, numbers, and tracking we now have, you are able to remarket those individuals on social channels who looked at your Youtube ad and attempt to push them further down the funnel. Conversion rates are much higher on other platforms than Youtube, so this is just a starting point to ensure brand awareness.

All in all, we are building a huge funnel where we can build mass awareness on YouTube through impressions and engagement as well as building website traffic. And the best part — it only cost us $100! Just a small amount of money for over 40,000 people to know your brand and have YOU top of mind when they begin their search for a new home.

But utilizing Youtube in your marketing is not all that’s important when it comes to capturing quality leads and growing your real estate business. Check our full collection of real estate blogs, webinars, information, and more HERE.

Curious how Hey Now! Media can help your business? Get in touch with us today for a FREE 30-minute consultation.

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