11 Different Ways to Repurpose the Same Piece of Content

repurposing content(via GIPHY)

Recycling is all the rage in content marketing, not only because it makes the marketer’s life a little easier, but because it deploys your content to audiences in different ways, allowing people to consume it whichever way they prefer.

While you can launch different forms of the same timely content within a short time period, the best types of content to repurpose are evergreen, meaning they will be relevant and correct for a long time, if not forever.

Here are 11 different ways you can upcycle the same piece of content to keep it working for you.

1) Blog

Start with a humble blog, not unlike this one. Write 400+ words on a topic people care about, whether it’s explanatory, informational, or something different. Write some words!

2) Long-form Video

Now take those words and record yourself saying them. Don’t read directly from your copy but summarize it into a long-form video where you explain the concept you’re conveying. Add in some basic editorial skills and post through YouTube.

3) Short-form Video

Take your information and condense it into a short-form video, less than a minute long. It doesn’t even have to show you! We love using Biteable.com to create text-based short-form videos that can be played on someone’s social media feed without sound and still be understood.

4) Quote Graphic

Choose a particularly prolific quote from your blog and create a quote graphic with beautiful type that’s begging to be shared on social. Link the image to the original blog.

5) GIF

Browse Giphy or create your own text or illustration-based GIF related to your blog topic. Again, make sure it’s absolutely asking to be shared 1,000,000 times on social media.

6) Podcast

Podcasts are super in right now, and they cater to people who prefer to consume media audibly. Take the free-flowing script format from your long-form video and adapt it to create a podcast episode.

7) Infographic

For the visual learners! Take your blog information and organize it into a beautifully illustrated infographic that people can share and save for later.

8) Guest Post

Find a blog that posts similar content to that of your blog and ask to submit a guest post. Submit your original blog and ensure they link back to the original post on your site to build your backlinks.

9) Email

Create a lovely email that summarizes your blog without giving away too much. Make sure it features enticing visuals and a call-to-action that allows the reader to visit and see the entire blog.

10) Slide show

Turn your copy into a slide show and post it on SlideShare for the world to see, consume, and download! Make sure it uses a template branded with your company’s logo and name.

11) Paid Content

Last but not least, use your blog as a piece of content to boost on social media, especially Facebook and LinkedIn. Pay to reach wider audiences who may not otherwise see your valuable content. This is also a great method to use hyper-targeting to hone in on your perfect reader or customer.

And just like that, you’ve taken one blog and turned it into days and days’ worth of content! Remember, don’t buy new – reduce, reuse and recycle your content to spread it far and wide.

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