Brunch and Branding

By Madison Jackson – Hey Now! Media Writing Intern

Recipe for a successful Mother’s Day brunch:


1 cup cheerful

1 cup sociable

1 cup insights

1 table

At least 1 family (Add additional people as desired)

A variety of breakfast and lunch options

Although brunches are a common aspect of Mother’s Day celebrations all over the world, most people probably don’t know that the word ‘brunch’ first made its appearance in print in 1895. Yet, brunch is well known for it’s own unique brand. What differentiates brunch from other meals? Let’s brand brunch and find out.

Name: Brunch

  • A catchy combination of the words ‘breakfast and lunch.’
  • Instead of a boring one word, or two words that are hard to remember, ‘brunch’ combines two words into one fun word to say.

 Brand strategy: 

  • Strategy: The focus of this brand is based around a perfect combination of two meals. Brunch should be known as a meal for people who sleep in, but still really want breakfast.
  • Concept: Brunch takes place around 11:00 a.m., or sometime between morning and afternoon. Brunch occurs at any place that involves a kitchen- be it brunch at a restaurant, or brunch in a house.
  • Target Market: Affluent women who find pleasure in luxury.
  • Customer Experience: The experience we want to create for anyone enjoying brunch, is quality service with people ready to serve eaters delicious food, irresistible aromas filling the air, and occasional menu changes. Brunch provides customers a form of recuperation, a chance to escape from their day to day lives.
  • Voice: A sophisticated and influential voice will be at the center of this brand.

Everyone knows that brunch involves talking, eliminates worries temporarily, and includes the perfect blend of sweet and salty. This is the impact brunches make, and its the perfect impact to leave with mother’s on their annual day.

If you plan to go to a brunch on Mother’s Day, make your reservations NOW!  Otherwise, you’ll run into massive crowds all anxious for the same savory meal.

Check out some of these brunch recipes, courtesy of our Writer/Resident Chef Matt DeFaveri, to give your own 2015 Mother’s Day brunch a name to remember:

5 Delectable Mother’s Day Brunch Recipes

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