The Hey Now! Culture

By: Anne Brower

Once you meet us, you know. They always know! Hey Now! is owned and operated by a husband and wife team, Matt and Anne, and another Matt. This is always a delicate balance as anyone who works with us can attest to.

Dinner conversations often revolve around current projects and staff. We both wake in the middle of the night with the next great idea for a branded environment or new video project. Family vacations are interrupted with a new sale, or a late night website development call, you name it. Our business is our life, and our life is our business. Our employees are like family, and family dinners often include our team.


My in-laws who live near-by, welcome clients and our team to their home as well. If I had to describe Hey Now! in one word, it would be family. See, I’m not from Cleveland, and with my family a million miles away I was looking to create the kind of community that I could really call home. Everyone has a place at Hey Now.

We try to promote this kind of culture with our clients, staff, and vendors too. The world is changing and people maybe more connected, but are we actually CONNECTED? To each other in meaningful ways? This is an important part of what we do at the office and at home. I was taught early on in my work life to create balance and step back from the job and give yourself space. In a lot of ways I still firmly believe that, but when your team and your clients feel like family, it really doesn’t feel like work.

An evening brainstorming session, with pizza, spread out in the house, surrounded by our team, laughing, pushing ideas past their breaking point, blaring records, a client stopping by to pick up a print piece, stays for a bit… this is Hey Now! and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

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